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Request for Quotes

The Kalamazoo County Land Bank is pleased to announce the Request for Proposals (RFP) for a General Contractor for the Homeward Promise Project. The Homeward Promise Project plans to begin revitalization efforts across core neighborhoods in Kalamazoo. This first phase involves the rehabilitation of two properties located on Dewey Avenue in the Edison Neighborhood:

908 Dewey Avenue: This property requires a partial interior and exterior rehabilitation.
913 Dewey Avenue: This property will undergo a full interior gut rehabilitation.

Supplemental Documentation: 

Proposals are due by August 14 at 3:00 PM at which time an in-person bid opening will take place. All bids must be in a sealed envelope and mailed or hand delivered to 1523 Riverview Drive Kalamazoo, MI 49004. 

The rehabilitation work will be conducted sequentially, with 913 Dewey Avenue being completed first, followed by 908 Dewey Avenue.

We invite qualified and experienced contractors to submit their proposals for this project. Detailed specifications, requirements, and submission guidelines are included in the attached RFP document and attached property reports.

Project Scope: Full interior gut rehab for 913 Dewey Avenue and partial rehab for 908 Dewey Avenue. Please See Attached Residential Reports and files
Sequence: The properties will be completed one after the other.
Requirements: Contractors must have all necessary insurance, licenses, and certifications. Davis-Bacon wage requirements will apply.
Documentation: All relevant documentation must be retained until December 31, 2031.

Scoring Matrix: Please see the scoring matrix on page 19 of the RFP to understand on which merits we will award work

Join our Contractor Bid List

To join our Contractor Bid List, please fill out this form. Your application will be included on the Kalamazoo County Land Bank’s Master Bid List for 24 months from the date on the application.

Please note:  It is your responsibility to update our office if any changes are made to your contact information. Thank you!